Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes September 2004

                      Petrockstowe Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st September 2004. in the 
                             Baxter Hall at 8pm.

Cllrs Present: Chairman P Vogel G Thatcher S Cottle A Hunkin W Luxton S Johnston
                   R Watts District Cllr P Collins Clerk. 12 Members of the public

33.0    Apologies: From County Cllr J Rawlinson.

34.0    Minutes The minutes of the 20th July 2004 and planning meeting 17th August
        2004. Having been previously circulated were signed as a correct record subject
        to minor adjustments

34.1    21.2 delete Cllr Thatcher proposed an amendment to this. Cllr Johnston asked
        had we had any replies from DAPC on the Parish minutes Chairman said he had
        written and sent E-Mail still no reply. It was resolved that Cllr Johnston would
        raise that we had had no replies,(on the reading of Parish minutes) at the AGM
        on Saturday 25th All in favour.

34.2    Minute 27.0 Cllr Johnston wanted to know what action had been taken on
        internal auditors report Chairman thought that action had been taken.

34.3    Minute 22.1 Delete £300-00 and Insert £300-00.

34.4    Minute 31.1 To leave clarify 3 for 1 against 2 abstained.

34.5    Millwood Homes A number of letters were read from Mr L Payne Chapel close
        One was about the parking for the site The Chairman thought that there was an
        improvement with the parking some residents still not happy.Trimmming of
        hedges on the site Cllr P Collins said that a Mr Smallridge had visited the site
        after a complaint had been received about the trees being cut he stated that he
        understands that a planning application should have been applied for but as it was
        only pruning and trimming it would have been granted anyway., a preservation
        has been placed on a oak on the site.Cllr Luxton proposed that a visit to the site
        foreman would be more sensible that more letter writing at present
        Chairman to write to arrange a site meeting re the new proposals for Kiosk and
        entrance on to the new road for the sewage disposal. Mr R Horwood asked why
        the village had to endure the closer of the road and now we have a new proposal
        for the disposal of the sewage from the site the chairman explained that it was for
        drains for surface water as well, he understood.

34.6    Contact No & Name for the new proposal application S W W is Alison Tregale
        on 01392 442843.Apparently SWW have right to use the new road for pipework
        for the sewage, as more than 2 residents use the New Road.The new road was
        called the cobb road on the application. No one present had heard it called this.

34.7    Recycling boxes have been distributed around the village but understand that a
        number of villagers and farms have not received any . Cllr Collins suggested that
        a list of these people to be sent to TDC.

35.0    Public Session Further, discussions continued about site.Cllr Thatcher reported
        that the stop sign at Northtown crossroads needs to be replaced has got very
        poorly lit. Could the area where the Petrockstowe sign was moved to at
        Smiths Hill be tarmaced as its being used as a passing place and has be come very
        very muddy. Continued complaints from villagers re Brandise Hill any nearer
        getting these pothole repaired.
36.0    Business Mr Wright had passed a list of questions re the web-site He had asked
        the clerk if a councillor could contact him re the web-site as he wanted
        to find out what he could include from the Dapc he does'nt what to include
        whats not aloud Clerk asked Cllr Johnston if he would contact him as he's our
        rep on DAPC. Mr Wright notes passed to Cllr Johnston.

37.0    Cllr P Collins spoke on the TDC he expressed that he is happy, with some
        misgivings on how that the TDC is run he could not answer some questions
        being confidential. There are two enforcement officers at TDC re Millwood
        homes site, always bring any matters to his attention he may be able to help.
        TDC has been restructured
        There is always a shortage of resources' as far as he knows they are up to full
        staffing Approx some 350 staff in TDC offices.Enquiries are always going on
        As far as he's concerned the Chief Executive resigned for personal reasons.
        Cllr Collins does not believe in politics in local government. Cllr Thatcher
        expressed that TDC are not listening to the village on the Millwood Homes site.

37.1    Development lines have been disbanded for planning areas, Cllr Collins will
        bring up about the planning infills in villages. It has been resolved to stop
        Matching Grants.from 2003-2004. Reconcurrent to be decided in November.

38.0    Councillors Reports.
38.1    TAC No report
38.2    Recreation Ground Cllr Cottle reported that the funday had been successful
        raising over £600-OO.Mouse racing arranged for Saturday 25th.Bonfire on
        November 5th Car Treasure Hunt on Dec 5th.
38.3	Baxter Hall Cllr Luxton reported that the wall is now being repaired
        Film sessions are soon to start A G M on the 27th September at 8pm.all welcome.
38.4	DAPC Cllr Johnston had nothing to report AGM on Saturday 25th 2004.

39.0	Financial Matters.
39.1	To approve payment for Cllr S Johnston to attend the DAPC AGM on
        Saturday 25th September 2004.Total off 35-OO.Cheque signed by Cllrs Watts
        & Cottle No 000036 For £15-00 Proposed by Cllr Thathcher sec Cllr Hunkin
39.2    To approve clerks wages and expenses of £325-60. cheque signed by
        Cllrs Cottle & Watts Cheque No 000035,Proposed by Cllr Johnston sec
        Cllr Watts.

40.0    Planning Applications.
40.1	Application received from Mr G Mitchell 1 Springfield Petrockstowe
        Dwelling House on adjoining land No 1/1704/2004/REM.A11 in favour.
40.2	S W W Ltd Proposed construction of control kiosk & access track to serve
        new underground sewage pumping station Land adjacent to Townlands Barn
        Petrockstowe .Chairman to write to arrange a site meeting to discuss these

41.0    Correspondence.
	(1) Readers File Circulated
	(2) Mr Tighe Torrinton Town Council (placed on fileO
	(3) DAPC Web-site (readers file)
	(4) Working together ( readers file)
	(5) T A G Chairman noted date
	(6) TDC local plan notice (readers file)
	(7) Licencing Act Draft Notice (readers File)
	(8) Postal Address Townlands Site Signs erected before had chance to
            comment "Named Townland Rise"
            Name to be removed from electoral
            Correspondence received after agenda printed

            1 Letter read from Mr Young he also spoke on the stoppage of the buses
              from the village ( noted placed on File)
            2 Mr Robertson wrote to Chairman regarding a garage which he will be
              demolishing at Northtown Farm house and replacing with new, he has
              contacted the planning authorities, and he has not got to have permission
              to replace the existing shed   (noted and placed on file)
            3 Letter read from hall secretary Broken spar on parish council seat outside
              Baxter Hall (Noted) and Cllr Watts will look at on behalf of the council

Copies to all Cllrs, County Cllr J Rawlinson, District Cllr P Collns. 

H R Harris Clerk

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