Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

                         Petrockstowe Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council m 2006 at meeting held in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday 21st
November at 7-45pm.
	Councillors present: Cllr S Johnston (chairman), Cllr S Cottle, Cllr W Luxton, 
	Cllr R Watts, Cllr A Hunkin, District Councillor P Collins, Mrs H Harris (clerk). 
	Members of the public present 16.

51	Apologies of Absence. No apologies received.

52	Minutes. Minutes of 19th September having been previously circulated were approved and 
	signed as a correct record.

53  Public Session. Mrs J Harris raised the lease on the play area, as the Baxter Hall have 
	closed the play area owing to the expiring of the Baxter Hall insurance covering the play 
	area on the 19th November 2006.
	The Chairman did not see why the insurance had not been paid, as the Parish council had 
	agreed, the clerk would send the remittance as soon as the payment approved.

54  Parish Council Vacancy. 3 applicants had been received for the casual vacancy on 
	Petrockstowe Parish council. Mrs I Fisher, Mr C Hanson, Mr C Clarke. Chairman S 
	Johnston read the applications to Councillors, a vote to co-opt 1 person on to the council 
	was held; the votes were counted by chairman and clerk. Councillors voted 6 in favour of 
	Mrs Irene Fisher.
	Chairman proposed seconded by Cllr W Luxton that Mrs I Fisher is co-opted on to the
	council. All in favour.
	Mrs Fisher accepted and appropriate forms were signed.

55  Baxter Hall Play area lease. Chairman reported on the progress of the Baxter Hall lease 
	for the play area, Cllr Johnston is not prepared to sign the lease as it stands, as there is 
	clauses, which he does not understand, Chairman suggested that the lease is presented to 
	another solicitor for advice on the lease. Cllr P Vogel proposed that Cllr Johnston takes 
	the lease to another Solicitor, seconded by Cllr S Cottle. 3 Councillors in favour 1 
	abstained. Chairman agreed, and promised to get it sorted within the next 2 weeks
	Cllr P Vogel proposed that the public could put their views. All agreed. The new 
	Committee would like it settled before continuing fund raising.

56  School Transport. Clerk reported that she had received a letter from Devon County 
	council school transport co-ordinator, that they do not consider it a danger for the school 
	transport to pick up, the pupils for Great Torrington School at North town cross, and will 
	not reconsider re-routing the coach to the bus shelter in the village. Chairman suggested a 
	petition could be sent, with another letter Cllr P Vogel suggested that parents should 
	complain direct.

57  War Memorial Tree. Clerk reported that she had, had an e-mail reply to her letter from 
	the tree expert Mr J Webber at Rose moor Torrington, he will take a detour home from 
	work one evening and take a look at the tree, will report his findings back to us in due 
	course. January Agenda.

58  Recreation Ground Vacancy. Nominations for the vacancy on the Recreation Ground 
	Were asked for, Mrs I Fisher new councillor was proposed  Mrs Fisher agreed to 
	Represent the council on the committee, as there were no other proposals
	Clirs all agreed.

59  Portman Building Society. Clerk reported that she had visited the Portman in Torrington 
	explained that we were paying income tax on our account, and completed a form so that 
	the council should not have income tax deducted from there account in future.

60  Councillors Reports
(a) Cllr P Vogel Reported that Torrington Advisory Group have had no Committee meetings 
	since his last report. There is a vacancy on the Torrington advisory group owing to G 
	Thatcher resignation if anyone is interested.
(b) Cllr S Johnston Devon Association Parish Councils. Annual General Meeting. Issues rose 
	that there's to be more training for clerks. An Insurance for councils arose, this council 
	is already a member of the Community first insurance company.
	Packs are being prepared to try and encourage younger members to join councils. We are 
	to be getting information on a white paper, in the near future, to give Parish Councils more 
	information and control overall. Subscriptions were raised by 3% to £64. 
	Mr Cleary spoke on that he would like to see more quality councils.
(c) Cllr W Luxton. Baxter hall there is to be a film on the 28th November 
	Bingo on 1st December. Parish party to beheld on 2nd December for up to
	As the pub is closed temporally Mr S Packer has applied for a licence to open for a few 
	hours over the Christmas period in the Baxter Hall.
(d) Cllr S Cottle. Recreation Ground Mouse Racing held in the Baxter
	Hall raised £1300 to be split between Cancer Research and Recreation Ground Funds. 
	Bonfire night was also a success making a profit of over £180 for the first time. Our 
	continued Thanks go to the Committee of the Recreation Ground for all their hard work; a 
	committee meeting is to be held in the Baxter Hall. On 22nd November to discuss the 
	erection of a pavilion.
(e) Cllr P Vogel. The newly formed committee of the play area have had 
	Two fund raising events. Halloween party profit of £30-00, Coffee 
	Morning in Baxter Hall profit of £47-00 Next event Parish party on 
	December 2nd in Baxter Hall. Chairman would like to be notified the 
	Date of next Play area committee meeting to be arranged
(f) District Cllr P Collins. Cllr Collins apologised for being a little late as he had attended 
	the T A G meeting in Torrington. The distributions of black sacks were on the agenda he 
	had not stayed for this item, He was pleased to see that the chairman attended. The 
	meeting at South Molton. On The Bridges event & Parish plans, on the 19th October 2006. 
	Affordable housing and housing surveys were discussed, Torridge District Council are 
	only going to be allowed planning for around 240 houses when the new rulings are 
	introduced in about ISmths time. Torridge District is still on the up but it is going to take 
	a while yet to be at full strength.
	P Vogel had been given a letter by Devon County Councillor J Rawlinson to apply for 
	funding. (For local projects?).

61  Parish Plans. Chairman and clerk attended a meeting On 19th October at South Molton on 
	the Bridges event Parish plans; he collected toolkit folders, information on Parish plans, 
	for Cllrs. Ally Boyd from Torrington will attend the Parish meeting in April to speak to 
	the Parishioners that are present at the meeting, we need to get others interested, to hear 
	there views on a parish plan. To be included on the Agenda of the Annual Parish meeting
	It was proposed that a speaker from Devon County Council is also invited. 
	Cllr Luxton proposed that we get hold of a finished plan for the meeting

62  Financial Matters. The following items were approved for payment
	(1)  Community First Insurance for Play area £110-01 Cheque No
	(2)  Expenses incurred by Cllr Johnston attending meetings on behalf of the Council 
		 £46-80. Cheque No
	(3)  Devon association Parish Councils Clerks Course £20.Cheque No
	(4)  Clerks salary from 30th June - 30th September £361-25.Cheque No 
		 Cllrs all agreed cheques signed By Cllrs Cottle & Luxton.
63  Grants the following grants were approved for the year 2007-2008
	(1)  Baxter hall £200 was proposed by Councillor Vogel seconded by Cllr Watts all agreed
	(2)  Churchyard Fund £200 was proposed all agreed
	(3)  Clinton School £15 was proposed all agreed
	(5)  Pre-school £15 was proposed all agreed
	(6)  Citizens advice bureau £10 was proposed all agreed
	(7)  Ring and ride proposed by P Vogel sec W Luxton £20 all agreed
	(8)  Play area £50 Proposed by W Luxton sec A Hunkin all agreed.

64  Precept for 2007- 2008.
	The Precept for 2007-2008 is set at £3000.
65  Cllr Luxton proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs R Woods as she's 
	Resigned as the editor of The Petrockstowe News.

	The Clerk and public were excluded from the following item of business, because of its 
	confidential nature

	Review of Clerk Duties and Salary
	The chairman explained that he had included duties in this item because, although the
	Clerk had been in post for over three years, she was not yet carrying out the full range of
	Clerk's duties. He then went on to outline some of the omissions.
	Councillors agreed that training should help and it was pleasing to note that a course had
	been booked in the New Year. Training however should be on going and not limited to
	one short course during the year.
	With regards to the salary it was proposed by Councillor Vogel, seconded by Councillor
	Hunkin that the salary be increased by £32 per year (2.5%).
	This proposal was resolved following a vote in which 3 Councillors in favour 1 against
	and 2 abstained.'
66  Information
	(a)    Readers File circulated
	(b)    Confirmations been received from Torridge District Council that all refuse may be 
		   collected direct from the Town land Rise housing estate
	(c)    Devon County Highways have had the lenghsmen in the village on the 4/11 & 6/11 
		   2006 will be returning again on 15/16 January 2007.
	(d)    Planning approvals have been received for Mr Mrs B Jeffs 4 The Square 
		   Petrockstowe No 1/1946/2006/LBC
	(e)    Mr A Hunkin Woodhouse farm Petrockstowe Farm Building No
H R Harris clerk

29th November 2006


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