Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of Annual Meeting held in the Baxter Hall at 8pm on
Tuesday 16th May 2006.

Councillors present: P Vogel, G Thatcher, A Hunkin, S Cottle, R Watts,
W Luxton, District Councillor P Collins, Clerk. 6 members public.

11		Nominations for Chairman And Vice Chairman
		(a) Nomination for Chairman G Thatcher proposed by Cllr Watts Seconded by 
		    CllrA Hunkin. All agreed.
		(b) Vice chair Cllr Vogel Proposed W Luxton Cllr W Luxton declined as he had 
		    already been Chairman.. Cllr S Cottle proposed Cllr S Johnston seconded by 
		    Cllr W Luxton. No other nominations. Not All Agreed Cllr Johnston was 
		    absent owing to family illness.
		©   Cllr Johnston to be asked if he will still be DAPC representative Cllr Vogel will 
		    still be TAC representative

12		Apolopies of absence received from Councillor S Johnston DCC Cllr J Rawlinson..

13		Minutes. The minutes of 21st March 2006 having been previously circulated were 
		Approved as a correct record.

14		Playarea  It was agreed that the Parish Council should take over the play area from 
		the Baxter Hall. The Charity commission insist that a lease should be completed by a
		Solicitor, That two Cllrs S Cottle P Vogel and chairman should go on the sub-
		committee along with other members that have come forward Mr Mrs C Hanson 
		Mrs E Wiseman Charles Clarke Mrs J Harris. A meeting to be arranged. To make 
		arrangements .of the take over. All in favour.
15		Wreaths Cllr Thatcher has had a word with the PCC regarding the removal of 
		Wreaths from church yard it was decided to remove all artificial flowers from graves 
		as some were getting very tatty, and looked untidy, if anyone is not happy to see a 
		member of PCC..
16		PUBLIC SESSION. Nothing was raised from floor. 
		Cllr Thatcher expressed condolences on behalf of all, to Mr B Lakes family who 
		passed away Saturday 13th May In Holsworthy Hospital Brian has always been a 
		well respected member of the Community.
		Brandise Hill and the roads after a long battle have started to be repaired members 
		still would like to see the roads tarmaced through still some potholes around 
		understand that they will be completed later in the summer.
		In reply to the advert for 2 Parish representatives Mr T James & Mrs J Harris will 
		fill the posts.
17		Financial Matters.
		(a) Payment was approved for the annual insurance to Community First of 173-61.
		    Cheque No 58 Signed by Clls Cottle & Watts all agreed..
		(b) Payment approved for the payment of £6-00 to the DAPC for the standing 
		    orders purchased. Cheque No 59 Signed by Cllrs Cottle & Watts.
		 ©  Approved the amended A/c sheet and completed the Annual Audit return. 
		    A/c will now be completed by internal auditor J Preistley.

18		Councillors Reports
		(a) DAPC no report due to Cllr Johnston absence/
		(b) TAC	not much to report as no one there from TDC so he could not have a
		    word about playarea lease. There was a presentation from Lesley Smith
		    regarding the White Paper due in June, regarding the future of Parish and
		    District councils
		(c) Recreation Ground Cllr Cottle reported that they had been given a mobile home
		    and it is now on site they are looking into putting in some toilets with a proper
		    sewage system.
		    Cricket session has started and is being well attended. Thanks were expressed to
		    the committee and helpers of Recreation Field, for a11 the hard work they put in
		    to making Recreation Ground a success.
		    (d) Baxter Hall Clk Luxton a meeting was arranged with council over the playarea
		    copy of the RoSPA report has been passed to the council.
		    There is to be a village festival in July. Spring clean up at Baxter Hall on the
		    5th June all welcome to help

19 		Planning
		Approval has been granted to Mr D Cole Townland rise for Conservatory 
		No 1/0655/2006/FUL.

20 		Correspondence
		1   Readers file circulated
		2   Dcc About roads and signs clerk to contact re signs (sign at Berry Cross has
		    been repaired already
		3   Millwood Homes Clerk to write
		4   Cllr Hunkin will complete survey from Forestry Commission. return in
		    envelope provided
		5   A reply from audit commission re charging for Audit charge will revert back to
		    £50-00 if we do not go over the £5000. in any one year
		It was raised that the people are still on the site at Canada Woods, P Collins said he
		would raise at TDC, there is now a different enforcement officer, so hopefully
		something will be done soon
		No more Business meeting closed at 8-35pm
		Next meeting July
		Copies to all Cllrs DCC J Rawlinson District Cllr P Collins Mr M Wright web-site

		H R Harris 
		18th May 2006


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