Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes February 2005

                       PETROCKSTOWE PARISH COUNCIL

            Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 17th May 2005. 
                              At 8pm in the Baxter Hall

Councillors present: P Vogel A Hunkin R Watts S Cottle S Johnston W Luxton. 
District Councillor P Collins clerk Public 5.

16	Apologies of absence Received from Cllr G Thatcher & County Cllr J Rawlinson

17	Election of Officers: Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman Cllr Luxton 
        Proposed Cllr P Vogel Seconded By Cllr A Hunkin. No more nominations 4 in 
        favour Cllr S Johnston abstained.
        Nominations for vice chair G Thatcher was nominated by Cllr R Watts Seconded 
        by Cllr S Cottle. No other nominations, 4 in favour Cllr S Johnston abstained. 
        Cllrs Vogel & G Thatcher declaration of acceptance at next meeting.

18	Minutes The minutes of the meetinl s on the 15`" March 19th April after parish 
        meeting and planning meeting on 4 May, having been previously circulated were 
        signed as a correct record.

19	Matters arising from the minutes
        (a) As we have still had no reply from L Smith regarding when the parish minutes 
        Should be approved, Cllr Johnston suggested that we write to the chairman of the 
        DAPC to see if we can get it confirmed.
        (b) As we have had no response about the transformer outside Millswood Homes 
            it was suggested that we write again to the highways department.

19	PUBLIC SESSION: no one had anything to raise

20	Councillors reports
	(a)	DAPC. Cllr Johnston had nothing to report, as there has been no meetings. 
	(b)	Recreation Ground Nominations for the representatives on the R G 
		committee Callers Cottle were proposed by W Luxton Sec by Cllr Hunkin all 
		agreed, they will represent the council with the chairman on the committee 
		for the next year.
		Cllr Cottle reported that Ms C Moriarry had resigned as secretary of the R G 
		committee Mrs Emma Hawthorn is taking her place. Mr R Kelsey is joining 
		the committee. The AGM for the Recreation Ground was held on the 13th
		May in the hall. A statement of a/c's will be placed in the Councils files, 
		They have been audited by Mr J Priestly.
		Some of the wicket at the playing field has been relaid expenses shared 
		between cricket and R Ground, cricket matches will be held on the field 
		through the summer months.
	(c)	TAG Cllr Vogel had nothing to report no meetings.
	(d)	Baxter Hail Cllr Luxton was proposed for our representative on the
		Baxter Hall committee All Agreed. The B H committee were disappointed 
		that the Beaford Arts were not given a grant by the TDC, as we get a lot of 
		support from the Beaford arts re films etc. C}lr Luxton asked if members of 
		the public were allowed to vote at the council meeting. He answered he did 
		not know, As he wasn't present at that meeting. He said that it is not likely
		that the Plough or the Beaford arts will get any funding next year. Dance in 
		the Hall on the 21st May. Mr T James has taken over as Baxter Hall treasurer.

21	Planning applications.
	(a) Application received from Mr Woottoon Canada Woods Farm
	No 1/0584/O5/AGR A timber building for the purpose of grading packing 
	and loading of fir oyster mushrooms grown on cut logs (part thinning). 
	Cllrs have no objections on the application but are concerned that there may 
	be plans for a house down there in the future. All Agreed.

22	Permissions Granted.
	(b) Planning Permission Mr & Mrs V Coughlin No 1/1770/04/COU 
	(c)	-	~	~	            No 1/1786/04/LBC 
	(d)	-	~	Millwood Homes	    No 1/1505/04/FUL.

22	Financial	-
	(a) Approve payment.of the annual insurance premium £253-33.
	Cllr Johnston proposed that we pay insurance seconded by Cllr R Watts 
	All agreed. Cheque No.35 signed by Clks Luxton & Cottle
	(b) Approve payment of the annual lease to Mr J Burnett of £l .proposed 
	By Cllr Luxton Seconded by Cllr Watts. All agreed. No36 signed By Clirs 
	Luxton & Cottle
	(c) Approved payment to Megapower Plus for temporary electric supply to 
	    the Recreation Ground.£114-68.Cheque No 37 Signed by Cllrs Luxton & Watts
	(d) Annual audit form completed to be sent to internal auditor. 
	(e) To find out about a reserve a/c for July meeting.
	(f) Clerk reported that she had received the grant money of £250 from the 
	    War Memorial trust but had not received any from TDC. Cllr Collins 
	    said that he would look into it, if the clerk would let him have a copy of 
	    our previous letters of when it was approved etc.
23	Correspondence 
	(a) Readers file circulated 
	(b) Letter read from Mr Mrs R Kelsey inviting the council down on the farm 
	    to see what they are doing. Tuesday 24th was decided for the visit at 
	    7pm - 7-30pm.
	(c) Reminder to Cllrs on the dates of the codes of conduct training.
	(d) Highways letter read re the roads through the village to Aish cross to 
	    write and raise the councils concerns that they are not satisfied on how 
	    the roads have been repaired, and think that 2006 is ridiculous for the 
	    resurfacing, we just keep having things put back all the time, filling 
	    potholes is just a waste of time and money.
	(e) Chairman will complete the questionnaire on minerals and waste, 
	    Any other business after agenda printed
	(f) Letter re-licensing act passed to secretary of the Baxter Hall
	(g) District Councillor P Collins brought up that there is a possibility that 
	    we may be charged for by -elections by TDC in the future.
	(h) Cllr A Hunkin announced that the annual outing is being revived in 
	    August details later in village newsletter.

	    No more business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9-O5pm 

	    Copies to all Councillors County Cllr J Ra.wlinson
	    District Cllr P Collins. Mr M Wright Web-site.	

	    H R Harris (Clerk)	18th May 2005.

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