Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

         	Minutes of the Petrockstowe Parish Council meeting held in the Baxter Hall 
				on Tuesday 18th March at 8pm.
	Councillors Present: P Vogel (chairman) I Fisher Vice Chair) J Harris A Hunkin
		    D Kelsey C Hanson W Luxton P Collins District Councillor 
			      PSCO M Baker Clerk 5 members public.

51	Chairman opened the meeting with a short talk from PSCO Melissa Baker 30335.
        There have been a small number of crimes in the Petrockstowe area nothing to worry
        about only the police are a bit concerned that they have had reports that a number of 
        valuables are being left in cars in the village, please make sure valuables are out of 
        sight if left in vehicles. Sgt S Brown has moved to Barnstaple. Constable D Rowlands
        has taken over the post. He was stationed in Torrington.

52	Apologies of absence – apology received from County Councillor J Rawlinson 

53	Minutes. – the minutes of 15th January 2008 having been previously circulated     
	Were agreed as a correct record. All agreed.
54	Matters - from the minutes
	1) Acer tree at the War Memorial. Its been resolved by Torridge District Council
        to revoke the preservation order on the tree, it is up to the Council to do what they
        think is necessary for the future of the tree. Cllr Hunkin agreed to have a chat with 
        Mr F Deimert the local tree feller, to see if he will prune the tree for this year.
        2) Parish Plan. Questionnaires have now been collected; a great response with 200 
        handed out and113 collected. 57% Aiming for a presentation of all information
        collected in June. Watch newsletter for dates.
        3) Street Lighting as we have had no comments from village, it was decided to go for
        the lower wattage and white lighting at a cost  to be funded by government. These 
        lights are not supposed to light up windows or gardens, to shine directly on the roads.
        4) Roads Nothing has been done about potholes in the road to Patchill or from Berry 
        cross to Little Marland Farm. Clerk to contact council.

	5) A meeting has been arranged with representatives from BT regarding the broadband 
	connection to the village Three members from B T are to attend the annual general 
	meeting on May 20th.2008. They would like to have before the meeting any names of 
	people that cannot get Broadband and any that have problems for the clerk to forward 
	to Mr P Garland. Proposed to invite local councils to meeting

55      Financial Payments.
        a) Payments were approved for the Baxter Hall hiring £45-00 Cheque signed by
        Cllrs P Vogel & A Hunkin No 102.
        b) Payment of the clerks salary and expenses £378-44.Cheque no 103 signed by
        Cllrs P Vogel & A Hunkin. 
	c) It was agreed by the Cllrs to pay half towards the reframing of the picture in the 
	hall of £28-50.Cheque signed by Cllrs P Vogel and A Hunkin Cheque No 104. 
	Proposed by Cllr Kelsey Seconded by Cllr Harris all in favour

56      Councillors Reports.
        !)  Torrington Advisory Committee  Cllr Vogel reported that a meeting would be
        held on Thursday 20th March when he would be attending.

                  Minutes of meeting held on 20th March. 2008 continued.

	2)  Baxter Hall. Cllr Hunkin The History Group launch of the Petrockstowe Book
	will be on the weekend of 29th and 30th of March.2008
        The Hall has had to reapply to the lottery fund for the funding they need for car
        park and extension on hall.  The Picture painted by Mr McKnight has been
        re- framed and is now hung in the Baxter Hall where it will be more appreciated.
	3)  No  play area meeting has been held
	4)  Recreation Ground Easter egg Hunt on the 22nd March. At Baxter Hall.
	5)  District Councillor. P Collins Suggested we send out to other Councils that 
	we are having the broadband meeting.
	Talked about the LDF report.
	He was pleased that all is going well with Parish plan, when finished it would 
	been on different computers, it could help for affordable housing. We should ask 
	Sue Southwill to spesk at a meeting from CCD on affordable housing.
	He is hopeful that new rounds will soon be set up for cardboard collections.

57      Correspondence 
	1) A letter had been received from a resident on the rumour being put around the
	village that 60 houses are to be built on the outskirts of the village. Chairman    
	told the meeting that nothing has been received by the council.
	2) A letter received regarding the representative for the Recreation ground 
	Chairman replied saying that it is up to the council who is nominated not the 
	Recreation ground.
	3) Received from Mr Sampson thanking our council for inviting, his council 
	Lt Torrington to the street lighting meeting.
	4) Mike Brown asked if something could be done about all litter around the village.
	5) Garden Party at Buckingham Palace Cllr asked for his name to be put forward.
	6) Next meeting is the Annual Parish meeting on the 15th April 2008. at 8pm.
                   No more business meeting closed at 9-15pm. - 5 - 2008............................


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