Petrockstowe Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting held in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday 20th March 20th 2007 at 8pm.


Councillors Present; S Johnston (chairman) S Cottle (vice chairman), P Vogel R Watts I Fisher,

    W. Luxton A Hunkin. District Councillor P Collins Mrs H Harris clerk members public 9



86       Apologies   No Apologies of absence. Cllr Cottle contacted clerk as he was attending a funeral

           and would be late he arrived at 8-40pm.


87       Minutes   The minutes of 16th January and special meeting 21st February 2007 having been

           previously circulated, were approved and signed as a correct record, subject to an  amendment

           to Minute No 85 Delete Cllr Fisher said “they might be afraid of me”. Insert Cllr Fisher said,

           “They might be afraid of you”.




           Mr M Brown advised the council that he had contacted Torridge District Council to get a

           Tree Preservation order put on the Maple tree at the War memorial site, the clerk has received 

           no Order and Mr Brown and other residents feel that the tree is not dangerous and hides the

           sheds at the site. No one seems to know when, or why the tree was planted on the site.

           He also raised the street lighting; he is concerned that there could be accidents if the lights were

           turned off to early, this will be discussed at Parish meeting.


89       Play area

a)     The clerk has not received the Rospa inspection report. The lease has been signed.and returned to Clerk

b)     The day to day running of the play area should be left to the sub committee Proposed by

      P Vogel seconded by A Hunkin. Chairman suggested that a constitution should be drawn

      Up, by the Clerk, similar to that which applies to the recreation ground committee. It was

      agreed that this would be available to be discussed at the Annual General meeting


90       Annual Parish meeting. 17th April 2007.

            Items for inclusion on the agenda were discussed;

a)     There will be a speaker from Devon County Council Ali Boyd on a Parish plan.

b)     Chairman will give his annual report.

c)      Street Lighting.

d)     Maple tree

e)     School Transport.

f)       District Councillor P Collins &Devon County Councillor J Rawlinson

g)     Any other items received 6th April 2007.

Chairman informed Councillors that they will not sit at the top table as it is not a Parish Council meeting.


91        Democracy Pack

            The Democracy pack had been received with information on the forth-coming elections

            Notices placed on the appropriate boards

            Nomination papers have been distributed to councillors, and any other candidates willing to

            Be nominated for the council


92         DAPC Clerks Training course         

             Clerk reported that the course had been disappointing, as the person that should have took the

             course was ill. The Torrington town clerk Mr Tighe stood in at the last minute, He went over

             a lot that she had done at a previous course. Mr Tighe did suggest that all clerks, should be

             included as signatories on the mandate for all councils..

            Cllr Vogel suggested that the clerk should be a signatory, to be discussed at AGM in May

            All agreed.


93        Acer Tree

      Clerk to contact Torridge district council to arrange a visit, with the tree specialist on site

      Proposed by Cllr Vogel seconded by Cllr Hunkin all agreed.

      The future of the tree will be discussed at the Parish meeting on April 17th. 2007.


94        Councillors reports

a)     Devon Association of Parish Councils. Cllr Johnston reported that the next meeting on

      21st March 2007, and that he had nothing to report. The DAPC are to consider how well it

      has achieved it’s aims over the past 4yrs and what it needs to achieve over the next 4yrs.      

            b)  Recreation Ground Cllr Cottle had nothing to report..

c)      Play area Cllr P Vogel the lease has now been signed, now waiting for the area to be inspected by Rospa  Fund raising has begun, Quiz has been held at Laurels

d)     Baxter Hall Cllr Luxton there is entertainment in the Baxter Hall on the 23rd March 7-30.

Film Happy Feet 30th March 2007. Hopefully the leak outside the hall has been repaired

Also around the door repaired. Hiring charges will in future be placed in the Baxter Hall notice board. Baxter Hall booking secretary Mrs J Skinner, and Secretary Mrs R Woods are retiring, Councillor W Luxton thanked them on behalf of all, for all they have done over a number of years. Wish Mrs S Griffin well as she takes over as Secretary of Baxter Hall.

Booking secretary was not named

e)     District Councillor P Collins was disappointed that we had not been advised on the Tree

Preservation order from Torridge District council.At the council meeting of Torridge council On 19th March it was resolved to discontinue the black bags to residents from 1st April 2007. The rural areas are losing out all the time, as we have no cardboard collections, compost, or wheelie bins The Torridge council, will save around sixty thousand by not supplying black bags. Also around Twenty jobs have to go, all the time Cllr Vogel raised  at the last Torridge advisory council meeting, that we have lost matching grants, now black bags what is going to be next?.


95             School Transport re route Torro 13

                 Clerk reported that out of the 16 letters sent to parents of children that do and will use this

                 School transport, she has had four replies. All were in favour of re-routing. It was agreed to

                 include school transport on the Agenda of the Parish Meeting on April 17th..


96             Planning application  

                 Application received from Mr G Phillips Stone Cottage Parkham No 0182/2007/FUL

                 Location: Harliegh Petrockstowe EX20 3HQ.Proposal alterations and extensions

                 involving new first  floor accommodation, double garage and porch. Cllrs had no objections


97             Planning approvals for

a)     Mr Mrs B Jeffs at The Village Petrockstowe No1/2036/2006/FUL

b)     Mr L Kennedy Berry Farm Nos.1/2605/06/FUL-1/2444/06/FUL-1/2636/06LBC.

c)      Mr Mrs V Coughlin Hall Court Petrockstowe Stable Block No1/2507/2006/FUL

d)     DCC Application No 9314/06/OKE new car park wildlife reserve at Ashmoor Meeth.


98              Planning refusal  Mr Mrs V Coughlin Hall Court  Petrockstowe No1/2459/2006/COU.

 Proposal Unit 5 Ancillary annexe to main house


99              Financial Matters.

a)     Baxter Hall charges for hiring meetings £60-00. Cheque No 74 signed by Cllrs Luxton & Cottle,

b)     Clerks Salary and expenses from 31st December 2006 to 31st March 2007, £342- 27p

Cheque No 75 signed by Cllrs Luxton & Cottle.

c)      Devon Playing Fields Subscription From 1st April 2007 – 2008 £15-00 Cheque No 76

    . signed by Cllrs Luxton & Cottle

      Cllr Vogel proposed that payments should be paid seconded by Cllr Luxton agreed by all.


No more business meeting closed at 9-30pm..


Next meeting will be 15th May 2007 Annual General meeting 8pm in Baxter Hall





H R Harris clerk
