Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the Baxter Hall at 8pm on
                       Tuesday 21st March.2006
Councillors present   P Vogel G Thatcher W Luxton R Watts A Hunkin 
S Cottle S Johnston District Cllr P Collins P. C. M Pearse, clerk
17 members public.

66	Apologies of Absence Received District Cllr J Rawlinson owing to a crisis meeting
	at DCC.
67	P C Martin Pearse attended the meeting and asked if he could speak first, he spoke 
	on his role as beat manager for this area, only one burglary detected and solved 
	last year in this area., There are going to be 3 PCSO officers in Torrington
	1 to work in Torrington, 2 in rural areas. working with Police Constables. he then 
	answered questions from the public. Torrington office is open from 11 am - 3pm 
	daily The Chairman thanked P C Pearse for his time.

68	Minutes     Minutes of 21st January and 8th February having been previously 
	circulated were signed as a correct record.

	J Skinner queried about the British Legion rep
	C Cottle asked why wreaths had been removed from the churchyard graves was told 
	that it was not a council matter should be referred to church council.
	Cllr Thatcher is on the PCC and will query why and report back.
	Clerk brought up she had a complaint that the people are still using the caravan at 
	Canada Farm Woods, to write to enforcement officer at TDC. to report that they 
	haven't moved the caravan out of woods yet.
	Play area. The RoSPA Safety inspection Report has not been received so was not 
	possible to discuss its future. Several good suggestions were made regarding fund 
	raising for its future including a most generous commitment by Charles at the 
	Laurels for four Quiz nights a year and the all proceeds will go directly to the play 
	area fund. Another meeting to be arranged. when report received.
	Road surfacing Brandis Hill is said to be due for patching and resurfacing in the next 
	Financial year. And as always is dependent on funding.

	70	Councillors Reports 
	(a)	DAPC Cllr S Johnston gave a report on the last meeting invalid access in 
		village halls were discussed. Government lack of understanding	in local 
		transport. And placing of travellers sites. Difficulty in obtaining broadband 
		Internet Should be shouting to B T on the subject for a better service. Clerk to 
		contact B T.
	(b)	TAC Cllr P Vogel had nothing to report as he could not attend the last meeting 
		No date for next meeting.
	(c)	R Ground	Cllr S Cottle reported program for 2006. starting with the usual 
		Easter egg hunt on the Saturday. of Easter 15th April
		August 5th 2006 Summer Ball at The Recreation Ground 
		August Bank Holiday Sat It's a Knockout on the field,
		Oct.28th Mouse Racing. In Baxter Hall. 
		£400 was raised for club funds and £400 for air ambulance last year
		November e Bonfire night on the field.
	(d)	Baxter Hall 1 Cllr W Luxton. There would be a film in hall on Tuesday 28th 
		Last of the season.
	A Hammond electric organ has been donated to the Baxter Hall from
	Joan Hardwicke and family

71	Planning matters applications and consents. Applications.
	(a)	Received from Mr D Cole 6 Townland Rise No 1/0355/2006/FUL 
	   	Proposal conservatory to rear of property. No objections all agreed 
	(b)	Received From Mr _Mrs R Kelsey Hallwood Farm No 1/0279i20061COU. 
	   	Proposal. Barn conversion to holiday unit, including alteration to existing farm 
	   	Access. No objections all agreed.

	(a)	No l/0064/2006/FLTL Mr C Hancock Orchard House Petrockstowe 
	   	Location. Countrywest Store Petrockstowe.
	(b)	No 110108/2006/LBC Miss R Rogers Tight Corner Cottage Petrockstowe. 
	   	Location. Tight Cottage Petrockstowe.

72	Financial Matters.
	(a)	Baxter Hall a/c £51-00 Cheque No 000055 signed by Cllrs Cottle Luxton 
	(b)	Clerks wages and expenses £324- 86 Cheque No 000054 signed by 
	   	Cllrs Luxton and Cottle.
	(c)	DPFA membership £15-00 cheque No 56 signed by Cllrs Cottle and Luxton 
	   	All Clirs agreed that these a/cs should be paid.
73	District Councillor P Collins spoke on a slight increase in performance especially in 
	the planning department. P Collins advised Councillors to take a good look at local 
	framework correspondence, as and when it arrives.
	Merton and Huish are the only ones in his ward completing parish plans.
	There is going to be a survey, to see which routes the travellers are likely to be 
	Travelling. Merton Council undertaking, to do a local housing survey, as one has not 
	been done recently.

73	Correspondence
	(a)	Readers File previously circulated.
	(b)	Standing Orders clerk to purchase an up to date standing orders. 
		Circulated to cllrs. to be discussed at another meeting.
	(c)	Play Area to be put on the Agenda of Parish meeting 18th April 2006.
	(d)	Recharge of elections (placed on file)
	(e)	Redundant buildings grant Readers file.
	(f)	Devon in touch roadshow decided as not much response last time, would leave 
		for 2006.
	(g)	Canada Wood Farm clerk to report back to TDC, Caravan still on site.
	(h)	Parish plan clerk to complete questionnaire and return.
	(i)	Completed DAPC, subscription to be deducted from precept payment £60.for 
	(j)	Housing advice notice board.
	(k)	Replies from DCC and G Cox re the roads resurfacing to begin in new 
		financial year April 2006.
	Next meeting Parish meting 18th April 2006

	No more business the meeting closed at 9-5Opm
	Copies to all Councillors, County and District councillors, Mr M Wright web-site
	H R Harris clerk 23-3-2006.


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