Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of Petrockstowe Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 
                18th July at 8pm in the Baxter Hall

Councillors present: G Thatcher S Johnston A Hunkin P Vogel W Luxton R 
                      Watts District Cllr P Collins Clerk 
                             4 members public.

28	Apologies of absence from Cllr S Cottle DCC J Rawlinson.

29	Minutes To approve the minutes of 16th May 30th May 7th June
	27th June having been previously circulated were signed as a correct 
	record. It was recorded that Cllr Johnston was proposed as
	vice chair, as Cllr Johnston was absent, he was asked if he would 
	accept the post as Vice chair, he said that he would, and thanked 
	Cllrs Cottle & Luxton for proposing and seconding him. He said that he 
	would also attend the DAPC committee meetings for a number of councils 
	not only ours.

30	Declaration of acceptance were signed by Chairman and Vice Chairman. 
31	Matters Arising

	(1) Playarea A sub committee has been formed to run the playarea on behalf of 
	    The Parish council, when the lease has been completed by the Baxter halls 
	    solicitor, A surveyor was not needed as it is only the playarea involved.The 
	    clerk was asked to hand over the £50 which she had been given to her from 
	    the Laurels inn quiz night, for the upkeep of the playarea, Proposed by Cllr 
	    Luxton Sec Cllr Johnston all agreed.
	(2) Standing Orders The clerk and chairman to look at the standing orders, 
	    To include that all complaints must be in writing to clerk and signed or not 
	    Valid.Proposed by Cllr Luxton sec Cllr vogel. All agreed.
	(3) War Memorial The chairman thanked the landlord of the Laurels for 
	    cleaning up around the war memorial. The landlord asked if the council if 
	    they had any objections to him putting some chippings on the path from the 
	    pub alongside the war memorial, Cllrs said that as it was not anything to do 
	    with the council and that he should contact the other owners of the 
	    properties, which he said he would. Cllrs said that he would have no 
	    complaints from them.	
	(4) Petrockstowe News. It had been raised with the chairman was the a/c's 
	    Audited each year the council were told that they were checked thoroughly 
	    each year by an independent person, have never been audited.
	    A letter was read from the editor of the Petrockstowe news regarding the 
	    letter the clerk had written to her, on behalf of the council about the reports 
	    on meetings. The councils opinion is that the clerk should do the report for 
	    the news letter, after the meetings. Also that to much business is being 
	    discussed at a meeting for plannings when not many members of the public 
	    attend. To be included at the next meeting proposed by Cllr Johnston
	    Sec by ClIr Vogel all agreed

32	Public Session

	(1) It was asked are we any further on with the recycling of cardboard for this 
	    Area When we wrote were told that all areas would have this as soon as 
	    possible only on vehicle available at moment, Cllr Collins confident that we 
	    shall soon have these collections as other areas have. clerk to write. 
	    for an update.
	(2) Mr McKnights sign that was situated at the bottom of Chapel close has been 
	    Renovated, Could it be relocated at the Baxter Hall where more people 
	    would see it.. Mr P Woods said that he would see Mr McKnight about the 
	    preservation of the sign. as a lot of work goes into the painting of the sign. 
	    Clerk to write to Baxter Hall committee. Proposed by Cllr Vogel Sec by 
	    Cllr Hunkin

33	Financial Matters

	Payments were approved to the following organisations. 
	(a) Rainbow Preschool £15-00 Cheque No 00061 
	(b) Friends of Clinton School £15-00 Cheque No 00062.
	(c) CAB £10-00 Cheque No 00063
	(d) Baxter Hall £200-00 Cheque No 00064
	(e) Petrockstowe Church Council Graveyard fund £200-00 Cheque No 00065. 
	(f) Clerks Wages and Expenses £371-98 Cheque No 00066. All Cheques 
	    Signed by Cllr Luxton &Cllr Watts.
	(g) Cllr P Vogel proposed that when the next lot of precept money is received 
	    the reserve a/c is increased to prepare for next years election payments.

34	Councillors Reports	-
	(1) DAPC Cllr Johnston He reported that a member of the committee had 
	    passed away, and he would be a great loss to the DAPC. Broadband is being 
	    looked into in these areas, Planning permissions in gardens were discussed 
	    DAPC have launched a new Web-site we have been notified. Invite 
	    Coastel Market Town annotative to a meeting clerk to write
	    He said that he would attend the Annual General of DAPC on our behalf 
	    Council to pay his expenses. Proposed by Cllr Luxton sec by Cllr Vogel. 
	(2) Baxter Hall Cllr Luxton reporting that all is going well with Baxter Hall 
	    Bingo to be held on September 8th Supper dance on 15th The hall will be 
	    allowed 12 licenses per year.
	(3) TAC. No Meetings since last report.
	(4) Recreation Ground. Cllr S Johnston some confusion as to whether 
	    Chairman on this committee In minutes of 15th July 2003 Committee to 
	    include 7 members 2 Councillors 1 Chairman (ex Officio). Summer Ball at
	    Recreation Ground on 12th August. Bank Holiday Saturday funday.
	    An onion has been installed at the recreation ground for flushing toilets in 
	    the mobile home. Please continue to support the committee for all work at 
	    the ground on behalf of council.

35  Planning
	Applications have bee n granted to Mr C Hancock Orchard house
	Mr Mrs R Kelsey Hallwood Farm Mr D Cole Townland Rise Mr D Crocker 
	The Beeches Yarnscombe Site at Sunnyside
	A application from Imerys clay Co at Meeth was shown. Cllrs had no 
	objections to the proposals.
	P Collins reported that the caravan at Canada Woods has not been forgotten 
	Also suggested that we do a housing survey and parish plans.

36 	Correspondence
	(a) Readers file circulated
	(b) School Transport to be included on next meeting
	(c) Dcc signs some have been replaced other will be replaced when 
	(d) Letter from DCC road will be closed from 14th August to 16 August 
	    inclusive From Rectory Rise to Cott lane by Town farm barn.
	(e) Car parking increases letter From Mr A Bewes
	(f) Invitation to a Meeting at Winkliegh from G Cox MP. on 29th July 
	(g) Community Transport from Torrington Health Centre. Passed to 
	    news letter editor
	(h) No more business meeting closed at 9-40.
	(i) Next meeting on 19th September.

Copies to all Cllrs DCC Cllr J Rawlinson District Cllr P Collins Mr M Wright Web-site

H R Harris clerk 
27th July 2006.


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