Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of the Petrockstowe Parish council meeting held in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday 16th January 2007 at 8pm.

Councillors present: Cllr S Johnston (chairman), Cllr S Cottle (vice), Cllr I Fisher, Cllr A Hunkin, Cllr
P Vogel, Cllr W Luxton, Cllr R Watts, District Cllr P Collins, Clerk Members public 6

75  Apologies of absence  No apologies received.

76  Minutes:  Minutes of 21st November 2006 having been previously circulated were approved
    and signed as a correct record, subject to following amendments. 
    Minute 54 Delete “applicants” and Insert “applications”.
    Minute 55 Insert. After “for advice on the lease”, as the Chairman said that the lease is 
    riddled with mistakes. On third line Delete “which he does not understand”
    insert “are unacceptable” on the fifth line Delete “on the lease”. Delete “Chairman agreed 
    and promised to get it sorted within the next 2 weeks”.
    Minute 59 In 3rd line Delete “there” and  Insert “the”.
    Minute 60. (b) Should read, Democracy packs are being prepared. 
    Mr Cleary The Chairman of National Association of Local Councils spoke on, that he would 
    like to see more quality  Councils in the future. 
    (e) Insert at end of the last sentence “6th February 2007”.
    (f) In the sixth line after survey Delete “were” and Insert “are”. Insert after 240 houses 
    “ within the District”. At end of last sentence Delete” full stop and for local projects in
    brackets” Insert  “for local projects”.
    Minute 61 in line five Delete  “there” and add “their” after parish plan Insert  It was agreed 
    that  this be included on the agenda of the Annual Parish meeting. Agreed by all.
    Minute 72  Should have read after all the applications that the councillors had no objections.               

    Mrs S Griffin concerned about the increase of large lorries on the road past her house at 
    Smiths Hill, the council cannot do much, as it is a public highway. She is also concerned by 
    all the streetlights, which are on all hours around the village. Proposed by Cllr Vogel sec by 
    Cllr I Fisher all in favour, that it should be included on the agenda for parish meeting before 
    deciding to ask for the street lights to be reduced, as more residents will be present. Devon 
    County council are looking to reduce carbon emissions and this proposal would assist.

78  School Transport to Torrington school NoTorro 13 Clerk will contact parents of pupils 
    attending the  School now, any parents of children in the village, that may be attending the 
    school future, to get their views on the pick up point, being rerouting to the bus shelter in the 
    village, so that the pupils can wait in the dry, and have a much safer place to wait for the 
    coach, at the moment Devon County Council do not agree with the councils proposal, for the 
    coach to pick the pupils up at bus shelter.. 
79  Play Area lease   Chairman sent a copy of the lease to the secretary of the Devon
    Association Parish Councils, Lesley Smith agreed with Councillor Johnston that the proposed 
    lease was unacceptable, Cllr Johnston has contacted the solicitors that prepared the lease, 
    with a list of suggested amendments, their comments were that the clauses are to remain 
    unchanged, and they are not negotiable. They did agree that the Clerk should be a signatory. 
    Cllr Vogel proposed that the Chairman and Vice Chair meet with some of the Hall 
    committee, to discuss the lease. Cllr I Fisher seconded this, Cllrs agreed.

80  Acer Tree At War Memorial. 
    Jonathon Webster RHS Rosemoor has inspected the tree, and agrees that it has outgrown the 
    area of the War memorial, He suggested that it is felled and replaced with a smaller tree. 
    Cllrs agreed, Clerk to obtain other quotes before continuing. Cllrs all in favour.

81	Councillors Reports.
    (a)	Cllr S Johnston Devon Association Of Parish Councils. No meeting has been held 
        since the last report.
    (b)	Cllr S Cottle.  At the meeting on January 5th 2007 Mr L Tremellion presented the plans 
        for a new building to be erected at the Recreation Ground, Chairman suspended standing 
        orders so Mr L Tremellion could present the plans to the Council, He gave an 
        approximant cost of £3,600 for materials and labour. for the building. It was suggested 
        that he contact the planning office at Torridge District Council Bideford direct for advice 
        on the plans, as it is an agricultural building, Accounts for materials to be presented to 
        Parish Council to reclaim the vat, .Mr S Packer ran a bar in the Hall over Christmas due 
        to the closure of the Laurels, a sum of £450 was raised to be shared between, Hall, 
        Recreation Ground, and Play area. Next event is a Winter Ball on Saturday 17th February 
        07 Next meeting on Friday 16th March 07.
    c) 	Cllr P Vogel No meetings of the Torrington Advisory Group have been held, since last
        report.  Next meeting on February 6th 2007 for Play area will be held at Emma Wisemans 
    (d)	Cllr W Luxton Baxter Hall there will be a film show in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday 23rd 
        February at 7-30pm The Queen. A quote has been received for play area insurance 
    (e)	District Councillor P Collins.  The standards committee are going to be contacting all
        Councils in the near future. Black bags are to be discussed at a meeting of the 
        Environment Leisure committee 17th January.2007, Chairman asked Cllr Collins to put 
        our views on the matter. The future of council houses is also to be discussed.
        The Police Community Officer that was appointed to assist Police Officers in Torrington 
        has resigned. A new Police Community Officer has been appointed, will be starting 
        in Torrington area in the near future.

82	Financial Matters.
    (a) To approve payment to the Audit Commission of £58-75 Cheque No 72 
    (b)	To approve payment of clerks salary & expenses from 30 September to 
        30th December 2006. Cheque No 73.Cheques signed by Cllrs Cottle & Luxton. Payments 
        proposed by Cllr Vogel Seconded By Cllr Hunkin all in Favour.      

        Planning matters
        Planning approval has  been granted to Mr C Hancock Orchard House Petrockstowe 
        No 1/2410/2006/FUL.

     Meeting closed at 9-20pm
     Next meeting will be held in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday 20th March 2007.
     Copies to all: Councillors, District Councillor P Collins, 
     Devon County Councillor J Rawlinson, Mr M Wright for Web site.   

H R Harris (clerk)          

Chairman……………………………………… Date…………………………………………


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