Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday 17th
January 2006 at 8pm.

Councillors present P Vogel G Thatcher R Watts A Hunkin W Luxton S Cottle 
S Johnston clerk Members of the public 4.

55		Apologies of absence Apologies received from County Councillor
		J Rawlinson, District Councillor P Collins.

56		Minutes   Minutes of the 15th November and 12th October having been
		previously circulated were signed as a correct record, after adding to minute 51
		that the clerk would be asked to attend a course over the next year.

57		Matters arising
		(a) D C C were contacted about the state of the road at Brandise Hill/Aish hill
	  	The repairs will be undertaken as and when required.
		(b) The muddy road between the two council estates has been put on the priority
		list for the sweeper, this has already been completed.
		(c) With regard to the light restrictions from overgrown bushes as a Parish
		Council we can ask the landowner to trim these back.
		(d) The council elections. No quotes available as yet, To contact TDC again
		As the chairman was told at the TAC meeting that we would be able to get
		quotes in case of by-elections The DAPC rep was asked to take it up at the
		next meeting.
		(e) It was decided that the clerk contact the school transport coordinator to see
		If the school transport could be relocated to the bus shelter that we already
		have before going ahead with erecting any more shelters.
		(f) A quote has been received for the Insurance from 31st May 2006. Cllrs
		agreed that we should accept the quote for £173-61.
		(g) To write again to the audit commission re the increase in our a/c.


		Parishioner queried why there are yellow lines on the road outside the Chapel
		she had heard that there is going to be a pull in for the buses, as we only have 2
		buses a week would it be necessary. Clerk to write to find out why they have
		been put there

58		Councillors reports
		(a) D A PC Cllr S Johnston reported that there had been no meetings
		(b) TAC Cllr P Vogel no meeting and he cannot attend the next meeting on 4th
		Feb 2006 has a prior engagement. He read a piece from the Dapc newsletter
		on the reading of minutes.
		(c) Recreation Field Cllr S Cottle reported that the bonfire took place but
		numbers were down, he hasn't heard how much was raised there is a
		meeting on 20th January 2006.
		(d) Baxter Hall, Council Chairman read a letter he had received from the Baxter
		Hall re play area Cllr Johnston said that as it was not on the agenda it should
		be left until the next meeting when hopefully more people would attend to 
		support the future of the play area.
		Baxter Hall Secretary R Woods asked if she should put something in the 
		news letter, was asked to do so.
		Cllr W Luxton reported that the Art Club is up and running again, and that 
		there will be a film Pride and Prejudice will be shown on 24th January and 
		another in February
		(e) Cllr Hunkin has had a look at the War Memorial cleaning and is prepared to 
		tackle the job.

59		Financial Matters.
		(a) To approve clerks wages and expenses From September 30th 2005- 31St 
		December 2005. Wages £312-00 Expenses £17-78. _ £329-78 Cheque No 
		000053 signed by Cllrs Luxton & Cottle. All Agreed.

60 		Plannings.
		(a) Planning application No 1072/OS/COU, for Mr Mrs R Kelsey Hallwood 
		Farm has been withdrawn no decision supplied.

61 		Correspondence.
		(a) Readers File previously circulated.	-
		(b) Standing Orders. (Codes of conduct) Next meeting
		(c) Advisory meeting 4th FEB Chairman has sent his apologies has he has 
		    another meeting.
		(d) Placed on Baxter Hall table for anyone to read.
		(e) Asked to write for them to update there records so that correspondence is 
		    sent to the right clerk.
		(f) Planning sessions chairman to reply as he had attended meetings. 
		(g) Ash moor report filed
		(h) Dapc login and password filed
		(i) Re wind turbines at Nth Tawton clerk to reply to letter.
		(j) No more business meeting closed at 9-15pm

Copies to all Councillors County Cllr J Rawlinson District Cllr P Collins. Mr M Wright 

H R Harris (clerk) 
19th January 2006.


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