Petrockstowe Parish Council Minutes January 2005

                          PETROCKSTOWE PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the Baxter Hall on 
Tuesday 18th January 2005 at 7-30.

Councillors present: P Vogel S Cottle R Watts S Johnston A Hunkin
                     W Luxton District Cllr P Collins H Harris (clerk)

Members of the Public 12.

57.0       Apologies from Cllr Thatcher and County Cllr J Rawlinson.

58.0       Minutes Of 16th November and 1st December 2004 Having been 
           previously circulated were approved, and signed by the 
           Chairman subject to the words proposed being Deleted from the 
           minute 52.5 Cllr Johnston said that the clerks wages Should be 
           reviewed annually as this is stated in the standing orders. Cllr 
           Johnston wanted to know what had been done regarding a 
           reserve a/c.Chairman said that nothing has been done at 
           the moment will be put on the agenda for the next meeting

59.0       Public Session
59.1       Chairman informed the meeting, that Mr Heath who is going to 
           attend the meeting, is at a meeting in London, and would be 
           arriving back in Tiverton approx 7pm and would come directly to 
           our meeting. We will carry on with normal meeting until he
59.2       Mrs J Skinner brought to the attention of the council that the
           building at Rose Cott,Cott lane seemed to be much 1 arger than 
           that was what was planned for, does it comply with the
           application. Clerk to contact the enforcement officer at TDC.

60.0       Councillors Reports
60.1       DAPC Cllr Johnston reported that he attended a meeting in
           December 2004 Travellers were again on the agenda and a 
           number of sites have been proposed possibly as close as 
           Fremington. Ins for the over 75 Cllrs was discussed and if a Cllr
           has a certificate from his Dr to prove that he is fit the Insurers 
           will accept this. 
           Cllr Johnston brought up the subject on Parish minutes as he had 
           been promised that it would be on the agenda and it wasn't.He 
           was told that the minutes should be approved at the next
           Parish meeting ,as he had always maintained, Lesley Smith 
           promised to write to all councils to confirm, nothing received 
60.2       The Parish meeting and the Annual meeting can be held on 
           the same night but must be two seperate meetings. 
           Chairman read a letter he had received from Lesley Smith 
           regarding the two meetings but no mention of the Parish
60.3       Recreation Ground As Cllr Cottle could not attend the last
           meeting Cllr Johnston reported that a number of events have 
           been arranged for the new year, starting with a skittles evening
           The fireworks were a great sucsess and hope to hold again this
           year .The committee are looking forward to another sucsessful 
60.4       TAG The Chairman could not attend the last meeting next one 
           is Saturday 22nd January in the Great Torrington School.
60.5       Baxter Hall Cllr Luxton reported that the walls have been 
           completed and paid for they could not obtain a grant.
           A number of events are coming off starting with a film on the
           25th January, Dance and film in February.

61.0       Planning Matters
61.1       A planning application has been received from Canada Wood
           Farm Petrockstowe Mr G WoottonNol/2399/04/AGR 
           Council have no objections.
61.2       Outline permission has been granted to Mr G Mitchell 
           Petrockstowe Nol/2223/04/REM.
61.3       Planning permission to Mr Mrs W Douglas-Mann 
           Larkworthy Petrockstowe Nol/2265/2004/COU.
61.4       Refusal of planning permission to A D Barton 
           No 1/1890/2004/Ful. Little Butstone.

62.0       Financial Matters.
62.1       To approve payment of the clerks wages from 1-10-2004.
           to 31-12-2004 13 weekes @ £24 = £312. Expenses      
           Expenses for printing and letters/postage=£27 
           Cheque Nos 28 and 29 signed by Cllr S Cottle & Cllr W Luxton            
           Proposed by Cllr Luxton and seconded by Cllr A Hunkin.

63.0       Correspondence
           (a)    Readers file circulated
           (b)    Rights of way improvement plan, to see if we can get
                  an up to date map on the rights of ways 
           ©      Standards board placed in readers file
           (d)    Parish Lenghtsmen in village 17th -18th February.
           (e)    Devon in Touch Roadshow Bus to come to the village
                  on 15th April 2005 March make final arrangements.
           (f)    Closer of Imery's Cl;ay Co Meeth council to keep us informed.
           (g)    Winkliegh Biomass placed on file
           (h)    Best kept Village no good applying with so much building in
           (I)    Letter read re police meeting in Charter Hall Okehampton. 
           (j)    Read letter from local channel placed on file, 
           (k)    Cllr Luxton asked if we new anymore about the web-site clerk
                  said that she was passing him the minutes to be included on the
                  site, and would give him a copy of the November minutes,
                  when approved. 
           (L)    No further information has been received on the Millwood
                  homes developments.

                  Next meeting's, will be P C 15th March, Parish meeting
                  19th April Annual General Meeting 17th May 2005.

                  As Mr R Heath had not arrived at 8-45 the Chairman declared
                  the meeting closed. Will invite him to attend another meeting
            Copies to all Cllrs and District P Collins County Cllr J Rawlinson 
                  Mr M Wright Web-site
            HR Harris (Mrs) Clerk

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